This is our summary statement of faith. Click here for more details on any of these statements.

  1. We believe the Bible is divinely inspired and theologically accurate in all that it is intended to communicate when interpreted through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.

  2. We believe the intrinsic nature of God to be that of Divine Love.

  3. We believe in the inherent value of all humanity from conception to death.

  4. We believe in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, Son of God, as the finished atonement for all sin.

  5. We believe salvation is a function of a faith that yields fruit of repentance as it relates to a relationship with God, and that baptism is a sacred ritual that publicly declares that faith.

  6. We believe in the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, the empowering person of God who facilitates the transformations of progressive sanctification in all who are of the Faith. 

  7. We believe the Church is the divinely birthed entity tasked with executing God’s agenda in the earth, and that only by communion with God through the Church can the abundant life promised to all believers be realized.

  8. We affirm the declarations of the Faith as set forth in the Nicene and Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creeds.